For the past 4 years, I have struggled on and off with episodes of depression.
Sometimes a spell would get so bad that I would actually physically fight to get out of bed. I’m not talking about a depressed state that is understandable and due to some tragic life event. Not the one that sneaks up on you at 2:00am when you are feeling like shit for eating an entire carton of ice cream and are dreading the 8-hour work day at your dead-end job the following day. Sure, this are all reasons to be depressed, that is not what I am saying.
I am talking about the one that hits you randomly at 2:00pm when you’re out with your friends and supposed to be having a good time. The depression that’s grip is so strong, you can really spot the handprints around your upper arm. Some days, I would be fine. But most days I was completely hating my entire life for absolutely no reason.
I have always been a huge proponent in the power of mind, and in the Law of Attraction as far as “believe and you will receive,” but I never really was able to manifest these abundances because I never cared enough to put in the work. I am the type of person, probably due to having bipolar depression, to get in these extremely positive moods where I feel like I can literally conquer the freaking world with my left hand, before crashing into a huge bout of screaming, crying, panic attacks, and the realities of mental health.
Why was it that I could preach all day long the power of the mind and then turn around and ignore my own beliefs?
That is when I came across mantras.
Usually, when people think of mantras, they think of yoga, meditation, Buddhism, spirituality, etc.- which is correct in the big scheme of things. But for all intents and purposes of this article, I would like to explain it in a way you may have not thought of… because I hadn’t.
The word mantra derives from two Sanskrit words meaning “to think” and “tool.” I have always loved the meaning of words and derivations so this, to me, was absolutely fascinating to truly consider. Of course, I already knew that one would “think” with their mind, but to refer to a mind as a tool was a whole new concept.
A tool is defined as: “a device or implement…used to carry out a particular function.” So, our mind is a thinking device that aids in carrying out a task. The sole task that we, as humans, are all facing is life; and, no matter how strong a person may be, they either consciously or subconsciously use their mind in ways that are so influential to our mentality and overall mood that it is unbelievable.
Just as stated previously, mantras are most common in meditation. This is because, as mantras are repeated, it creates a sense of calmness and serenity in the atmosphere surrounding your energy, making you literally enter a world of positivity.
Studies have shown, that if you were to be hooked up to a machine measuring activation areas in your brain, the areas that light up when you imagine doing a physical activity are the same areas that light up when actually doing the activity.
For instance, you’re connected to said machine as you sit in a large, plastic uncomfortable chair with your feet crossed and your arms in your lap. You close your eyes and imagine you are on a tennis court, keeping your eye on the ball as it bounces over the net onto your side. Your reflexes instantly kick in and you run to the ball completing a successful backhand over the net, winning the game.
Next up, you get up from the large, plastic chair- your legs probably stick to the chair and rip your entire epidermis off- and you go outside onto a real tennis court. You perform the exact same example, and your brain waves are still being recorded. The end result is that the exact same area of your brain was activated in both instances: thinking and doing.
This literally MEANS, GUYS, THAT “WHAT YOU THINK, YOU BECOME.” Who knew that clichés were so accurate, right?
I decided I must implement these things into my day to day life.
I Googled ideas of mantras (aka affirmations) that I felt spoke to me and what it is at this time that I want to call into existence.
For story purposes, I will tell my personal experience thus far:
For story purposes, I will tell my personal experience thus far:
Almost immediately after really researching into mantras, I came across a concept that I kept seeing be referred to as “the secret.” The secret, AKA The Law of Attraction is part of New Thought philosophy that states by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, people can bring positive or negative experiences into their life. This is because our thoughts factually give off energy into the Universe, and like attracts like- literally bringing about what you are putting out.
How you ever thought about an old friend whom you haven’t seen in a good while and then one random day they either call you or you run into them at Wal-Mart? Boom. Law of Attraction.
Have you ever really wanted a particular car and then all of a sudden you see that car everywhere you go? You get the point.
Then I came across a project that I longed to create: a vision board. I bought 4 small cork bulletin boards and hung them over my bed in a square shape. I sat down and thought about short-term and long-term goals that I wanted to accomplish, and I wrote them down. Afterwards, I found pictures that really represented my goals online and I printed them out and stuck them on my bulletin boards where I would see them every morning and every night.
On the board I had a book that I plan to one day write. I had an airplane because I had never flown, a cruise ship because I had never sailed, a “bank statement” that showed how much money I wished I had in the bank along with a goal date, an apartment because I wanted to move out of my parents home, and a few other things that I honestly cannot remember.
The point is, in the next 12 months, I :
o Started my first book and wrote 1/3 of the entire product
o Flew in an airplane on an impromptu trip to NYC with my best friend
o Went on a Carnival Cruise to the Bahamas
o Had over the amount of money I had set as my goal
o Moved out of my moms house in with a roommate
It actually worked. I was so amazed.
Yet for some reason, I quit speaking mantras and I quit adding to my vision board. I got busy with life and I gave up on a lot of dreams and wishes I held.
I have recently made a promise to myself to pick back up with positive self-talk and goals on vision boards. I wrote/printed myself notes and taped them all around my home and in my car.
My car rearview mirror literally says “I am beautiful” on it, and I say it a million times a day so that I can truly believe that I am. I am meditating and journaling on bringing forth abundance into my life, and as of this week I have already been offered a raise.
I am not sharing my story to bloat, but to give a testimony that these simple techniques actually work. You can really have anything you want out of life, if you can just believe it is already yours.
If you are wanting to lose weight, set out an exact pant size you wish to be. Go out and shop for that pant size and believe that you are already that size and you will shed those pounds. If you want another vehicle, stop parking yours in the middle of the garage. Park it to the left so that your new one can be parked on the right.
Be kind to one another,
Check out The Secret movie & book!